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On Wednesday, 9th January 2019, R.Wy.Bro. David Hill our immediate Past Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler turned 80 years of age. On Saturday, 12th January 2019, Family, Friends and neighbours met up at Admaston Village Hall, Nr Rugeley to celebrate this magnificent achievement. It was a buoyant and friendly occasion with David lapping up the atmosphere especially when it came to receiving a toast proposed by his brother Fred and the subsequent blowing out of the candles and cutting of the cake. Well done David; here’s to many more. The inaugural Skittles match between the Provinces of Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire & Shropshire took place at the ‘Ivy Leaf Club’ Coventry Road, Birmingham on Sunday, 22nd April 2018. The event initiated and organised by R.Wy.Bro. Trevor Cavill was very successful with a great deal of bonhomie between the Provinces. The venue and the food was well organised by Wy.Bro. Cedric Stiles and his team which was appreciated by all. The Grand Supreme Ruler was on hand to present the trophy and prizes and to show his impartiality bowled for all three teams. A raffle was held and the proceeds are to be split equally between the three provinces. I am pleased to say that the team representing the Province Of Staffordshire & Shropshire ran out winners. The trophy will be on display at the Annual Provincial Meeting at Wolverhampton in September and will make appearances at Conclave meetings after it has been engraved. My thanks to all those who where able to attend. Below are three pictures taken by Bob Sagoo. The Trophy The Presentation The Team This post has been provided by Peter Gibbs, SR of Shropshire Conclave. On taking the chair this year at the Shropshire Conclave, I thought I would like to invite my sons school for a visit. This may sound a little strange, but he goes to Overley Hall school, which is an independent residential special school. It was established in 1980 and works mainly with children who have severe autism. It takes 22 pupils and has a staff of about 120. One of the main ethos of the school is to mix with the community and ready the children for adult life. The lodge room was set up for a chapter meeting, so the children loved all the colour and banners on show. Afterwards they had squash and cake which went down very well. I personally believe like the children, Masons should take a much bigger part in the community. All the children got a certificate at the weeks presentation for good behaviour on the visit, what could be better. I extend my grateful thanks to David Kettle and Harold Loasby who made the visit possible. A few pictures taken on the day, featuring Peter’s son. . The Craft Province of Shropshire held an event on 3rd June 2015 to make members of the Province aware of other Orders in Freemasonry. The Order of the Secret Monitor was invited to take part and due to the inability of the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler to attend, the Presentation was led and organised by the Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Wy.Bro. Michael Brown. He was ably assisted by several members of the Province including, Wy.Bro. Graham Holden, Wy.Bro. John Marsh, Wy.Bro. Tom Fulton, Wy.Bro. Wally Edwards and Wy.Bro. Russ Dyer. It is still a little early to know if the event was successful for the OSM but we are hopeful. The meeting was attended by a good number of Brethren from all over the country. The numbers were such that the meeting had to be transferred from the normal Lodge room to the main temple. The attendance was a surprise to John, who had an even bigger surprise when following a report the Acting Grand Director of Ceremonies Wy.Bro. Cliff Bull entered and announced that the Grand Supreme Ruler, Most Worthy Brother Michael William Guest and the Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler, Right Worthy Brother Brian William Price were in attendance and demanded admission. They were escorted into the Temple by five Provincial Grand Supreme Rulers. After the normal business and a 2nd degree ceremony the Grand Supreme Ruler invited John to sit with him in front of the Supreme Rulers Pedestal. The Grand Supreme Ruler initiated a conversation to discuss various aspects of John’s Masonic Career but more especially his 40 years in the OSM. John was noticeably a little embarrassed at times when he thought he had monopolised the conversation but needed little encouragement to start again. The discussion concluded with the Grand Supreme Ruler commenting on how worn John’s Grand Conclave sash was. He then immediately gave John a field promotion to ‘Past Grand Counsellor’ and presented and invested him with a new sash. After the meeting eighty seven brethren sat down to a most excellent and buoyant festive board during which John was presented with a cake, a cut glass decanter and glasses and a bottle of Gin to help christen them. The Conclave also made presentation of gifts to the Grand Supreme Ruler and his Deputy which were gratefully received. The final toast of the evening: that to the visitors was given by R.Wy.Bro. John Tewson in a typical manner. He walked up and down the top table introducing and making comments about each in turn. We were left in no doubt that John could have gone around the whole room doing the same but due to the time limited himself on this occasion. Wy.Bro. Alan Howls of Shropshire Conclave No. 268 replied on behave of the visitors who summed up all the brethrens feelings about the evening in general and John in particular in an excellent manner. Members of the Province visited the Tatenhill base of the Midland ‘Air Ambulance’ on Wednesday, 7th March 2012 to present a cheque for two thousand pounds. The members of the Province were given a very warm welcome by Amita Patel (‘Air Ambulance’ Fund Raising Manager) and in due course, following the return to base of the helicopter from a mission at Uttoxeter, Brethren were able to chat with the crew and have a close up view of the helicopter. For those who are interested in figures the helicopter used out of Tatenhill, rigged out as an Air Ambulance, cost £3.25M. R.Wy.Bro. David George Hill, PPrGSR 80th Birthday
Inter Provincial Skittles Match
Overley Hall School Visit Church Stretton Masonic Hall
My sons class usually goes out on a Wednesday. When I asked his class teacher if they would like to visit the lodge she jumped at the idea.
Beyond The Craft 2015
Shropshire ‘Beyond the Craft 2015’
40 Years in the Order
R.Wy.Bro. John Leslie Tewson, P.G.Coun.
At a meeting of Evergreen Remembrance Conclave No. 229 meeting at Stirling Road, Birmingham on Wednesday, 25th July 2012, John was honoured with a celebration of attaining 40 years in the Order of the Secret Monitor.
Charity Donation to the Air Ambulance
The money raised which received matching from the OSM Benevolent Fund was the proceeds from the PGSR’s designated charity for 2010/2011.In the picture left to right: